Dr. Arroyo (middle) and colleagues Dr. Teeter (left) and Dr. Runciman (right) analyzing the 3D structure of an equine pulmonary artery through a digital program.
This website highlights all of the work and research efforts done in Dr. Arroyo's laboratory at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, Ontario. Within the broad field of large animal internal medicine, Dr. Arroyo's research centers on three main areas of interest:
1) Gastrointestinal disorders in large animals
2) Structural and functional damage to pulmonary vasculature in racehorses
3) Applied clinical research

Dr. Arroyo (right), summer research student Candace Martins (middle), and co-op student Fetsje Prins (left) in OVC CT scanning room.
Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) refers to bleeding into the airways experienced by some horses while performing high-intense exercise. Since EIPH can bring great medical, economical, and welfare burden to the equine racing industry, research in this area is deemed very important.

Lyme borreliosis, Anaplasmosis, and Potomac Horse Fever (PHF) are three seasonal infectious diseases affecting the Ontario equine industry. Determining the prevalence of such diseases in different geographical locations throughout the province can give insight on their distribution and associated risk factors.
Swarm of May flies near Lake Erie
Pulmonary artery hemodynamic analysis of horse while running on treadmill